Sunday 14 June 2015

Russian Social Culture


Culture, Indigenous, and traditions of the Russian State

Russia is a country with a long history and rich in culture, especially in the areas of literature, ballet, painting, and classical music. Many see Russia as a country that is boring. In fact, Russia actually has a very colorful past, ranging from the traditional custom clothing colorful, artistic to religious symbols.

The history of this country originated from the Slavic East. European public recognize as a habitat area East Slavic hordes Rus of age 3 to age 8. This lot was founded and is led by the elite Varangian and his followers. At 988, this band became adherents of Orthodox Christianity introduced by the Byzantine empire. Mixing Byzantine and Slavic culture evolved into Russian culture as it is known in the next millennium.

Rus hordes region further divided into several smaller states because some plateau captured by the Mongolian invasion. The great ruler of Moscow managed to reunite the gang Rus and the surrounding region, to gain independence from the rulers of Mongolia, and became the successor to the previous generation Rus gang's reputation.

In the 18th century, Russian expansion that led to the founding of the Russian empire. In its heyday, the Russian Empire became the third largest empire in history and stretching from Poland to Alaska.
Ethnicity, language, and religion in Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world when seen by broad territory with an area of
​​17.098 million kilometers. According to the census in 2010, Russia's population has reached 142.9 million, decreased in 1991 with a population of 148.69 million when it became the Soviet Union.

Russia's population is composed of about 82 percent of ethnic Russians. In addition there are also minorities of which 4 per cent are ethnic Tatars, ethnic Ukraine 3 percent, and 1 percent ethnic Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarus, and Moldova.

Russia is a country that is almost free of illiteracy, with a literacy rate of nearly 100 percent. In addition, many Russians who speaks English and make it as a second language. Russia also has more than 100 other minority languages. Tatar language is a minority language most widely spoken. Although minorities are few of the total Russian population, their language is the dominant language in a particular area.

Orthodox Christianity is the largest religion in Russia where there are about 75 percent of Russia's population adheres to this religion. Islam is the second largest religion in which 5 percent of Russia's population adheres to Islam. As much as 1 percent of the population adheres to Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Buddhism. The rest acknowledge themselves as atheists, or some 8 percent.
Art, Literature, and Architecture

Ballet is the most famous dances from Russia. This dance originated in 1776 by the Bolshoi Ballet, classical ballet group housed at the Bolshoi theater in Moscow. Ballet then developed and spread throughout the world. Mariinsky Ballet in St Petersburg is another well-known ballet company in Russia.

In addition to ballet, Russia also has a lot of contribution in classical music. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is one of the famous classical music composer from Russia with his "Swan Lake" and "1812 Overture". Work and personal belongings are now immortalized in several museums in Russia.

Russian literary works is also a favorite of many lovers of literature. Anna Karenina by Leon Tolstoy, who also re-filmed in 2013, is one of the literary works that are popular around the world that describe the situation and atmosphere in Russia. Several other works such as "War and Peace" of Leon Tolstoy, "The Brothers Karamazov" of Fyodor Dostoevsky, the other works are still enjoyed throughout the world.

Artwork is widely regarded as a symbol of Russia is the Matrioshka dolls. This wooden doll can be opened and contains other smaller dolls with images and the proportion of the same dimensions. Matrioshka dolls intangible Russian women use traditional costumes.

In the field of architecture, famous Russian cathedral Saint Basil with onion-shaped domes colorful. The cathedral was built during the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century colorful onion is thought to be a symbol representing a candle flame, or the dome of heaven, and often appeared to represent the concept of the Holy Trinity.
Culinary tour of Russia

One of the traditional foods is a famous Russian borshch, soup containing vegetables and meat. The food is usually served with sour cream, the core of a variety of culinary typical Russian style. There was also Pirozhkis, snacks which can be supplemented with potatoes, meat, cabbage or cheese.

Russia also has IKRA, a type of traditional caviar made from fish eggs originating from the Black Sea or Caspian. Usually the food is presented dark, with crusty bread or blini (foods such as pancakes or crepes).

In general, the Russian food uses fish, poultry, mushrooms, berries, and honey as the main ingredient. Russian society consumes a lot of black bread as a staple food choices. Russian society also has many kinds of soup, which borshch is one of the most popular.

In beverages, famous Russian Vodka. This drink is a traditional Russian drink made from the distillation of fermented potato. Besides vodka, Russian society is also often consume beer and tea.
Doing Business in Russia

Russian society deeply appreciate the structure and rules, as well as when doing business. They hope that the meeting took place on time, but sometimes they test the patience of foreign business partners by letting waited for several hours. In addition, Russian businessmen also like debate, reflection and review negotiations, and pressing when negotiating usually considered impolite.

Business meeting and doing business in Russia itself still has some characteristics which actually took place in the days of the Soviet Union, especially in autocratic management style. Decisions are made by leaders, not committees. Communication when doing business tend to be more formal than when doing business with companies from western countries, especially the United States.

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