Saturday 25 April 2015

Mbah Lamong story

Mbah Lamong story, Sunan Giri and history pupils Lamongan Duchy

At the time of King Majapahit Raden Wijaya, Lamongan has become a strategic area. In the history of the manuscript so Lamongan, explained that there were already ancient road connecting the center of the kingdom in Trowulan with Kambang White (Tuban port) located on the north coast.Allegedly the ancient road from the village Pamotan located in the south, Garung, Kadungwangi, Sumbersari, Pasarlegi, Ngimbang, Bluluk, Modo, Dradah continue north to Mount Pegat and ended up in the north, in the village Pucakwangi at Tripe. In his day, this ancient road well-traveled merchants, civil courtier, soldier to the commoners.These conditions affect the advancement of the development of society in Lamongan western region than residents who live in the eastern part Lamongan. Regular life of this community can be evidenced by the many stone inscriptions found and ancient ruins along this ancient road.Lamongan district formation can not be separated from beloved students Sunan Giri II named Hadi, a young man from the village of Cancing, Ngimbang, Lamongan. Because of the skills possessed religious knowledge, Hadi is then believed to spread the teachings of Islam to the west Kasunanan Giri.
Unlike the eight other trustees, Sunan Giri Giri and Sunanate have a monarchy system, so that the sons and descendants could use the title Sunan Giri Giri.With supplies, a guard and a maid, Hadi departed carrying out orders Sunan Dalem spread the teachings of Islam in the region of Lamongan. Propagator of Islam's entourage set off down the Kali Lamong by boat.Hadi ridden boat finally took him in a place called Hamlet Srampoh, Pamotan, a place which is located not far from the ancient Majapahit. Symbols of Islam's entourage then proceeded overland to reach the Puncakwangi, which is now included in the villages in the Tripe.Because these locations are considered in accordance with the message Sunan Giri, finally Hadi reported that he was already in place 'times scissor' or times are forked. Convergence of small rivers upstream from the village Bluluk and Modo flowing downstream to the great times now named Solo.
The arrival of Islam in this region quite well received by the public. Hadi Islam township built gradually growing quite rapidly. But later it was discovered that this location is not a propaganda Sunan Giri II.Over the development time, the trip continues to the symbols of Islam Hadi Sunan Giri III. Due to previous success in preaching, Hadi received the rank Rangga which means officials.Success and how propaganda Rangga Hadi in spreading Islam in the region of Lamongan, make it loved by the people. Then citizens nickname pinned Lamong Mbah because the nature of nurture and serve people who really made an impression.In its development, Lamongan region became the target of the Portuguese colonizers who wanted to dominate and colonize the north coast of the island of Java. Then Sunan Giri regard Lamongan region as a strategic location but prone because traversed by navigable Solo capable of merchant ships and warships invaders.
With deliberation, finally Sunan Giri IV (Sunan Prapen) announced kerangga Lamongan region increased to the duchy on 26 May 1569, Hadi Rangga then graduated into the first Lamongan duke was given the title Hero Member Surajaya. Rangga Hadi himself died in 1607.Hadi Rangga tomb is located in the north Musala Mbah Lamong in the middle of residential areas. There is a connecting road between musala with Rangga Hadi mausoleum located in a locked building. Meanwhile in the complex are also a number outside the tomb without writing on the headstone.Musala location is at the corner of the intersection between Lamong and Gang Gang Kali Kali Wungu, Village Tumenggungan, Lamongan District, Lamongan, East Java. According to one of the local residents, Kayah, Mbah Lamong will only be open at certain times, including during the anniversary of the date of its adoption Lamongan refers to graduation Rangga Hadi."Indeed, if busy to yes when the birthday of Lamongan, Regent same officials like here," he explained when talking with recently.It is also justified by Chambali, village Village Tumenggungan separate encountered. He said in addition to the birthday Lamongan, Mbah Lamong will also be opened during the night Friday."Usually Mbah Mirsad (caretaker) helped pilgrims deliver a prayer for Mbah Lamong," said Chambali when met at the village office.Mbah Lamong is indeed included in the historical sites treated by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Lamongan. Treatments are conducted regularly from year to year."One of (the sites treated) Surajaya Hero Member tomb, Lamongan district head first. He called Mbah Lamong. It's at the time of Sunan Giri, his students. He is from the area Ngimbang, nyantri in Gresik. After graduating he spread the teachings of Islam in the west, Lamongan," bright Secretary of Culture and Tourism of Lamongan Rudi Gumilar.   

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