Saturday 13 June 2015


Polylogue III on Arts Education

We stand at a critical juncture in the development of arts and cultural education in Europe. There is a growing body of good practice and research across Europe which makes clearer what works and why. At the same time the increasing pressure on public finances and recurring debates about the role of the state and priorities in education are leading to a downgrading of or reduction in the quality and quantity of arts and cultural educational opportunities for children and young people in many European countries.
To improve the reach and quality of arts and cultural education in Europe and to strengthen the European identity by the means of arts education, new Alliances are needed. Thus the initiative "New Alliances for Europe" was brought to life by the German foundation Stiftung Mercator, the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning (BKJ) and the UK-based international Foundation Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE). It fosters a process of research and exchange to find a strategic approach towards this task, see what lessons from elsewhere in Europe could be used for the development of cultural education more generally and explore what resources are needed to support the development of arts education practice in Europe.
The outcomes of this process will be presented and discussed at the Polylogue III – Improving the quality and reach of arts and cultural Education at Wildbad Kreuth from 17 to 20 May 2015. Together with members of the European Network of policy makers working in the field of arts and cultural Education (ACEnet), the International Network for Research in Arts Education (INRAE) as well as different experts and practitioners from the field of cultural education in Europe, ideas will be rethought and new questions provoked. Participation in this event is only possible with a personal invitation from one of the organising partners.

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